Please follow these instructions so that we may have an accurate database of students and trainings:

1. When you know for sure you will host a training, please fill out and submit the Teacher Training Entry Form. All fields marked with a red asterisk are required in order to submit the form. If you would like the IYTA to promote your training in our newsletter, please email [email protected]. Additionally confirm with the director that you have the most current manual for the TT you will be hosting.

2a. At the beginning of the training, when you have confirmed the student list of participants for 200 hour Basic Level Training, please fill out the 200hr Basic Student Information Form. For the teacher training field, you will need to search for and select the training you inputted earlier (this links student with training in our database). You will need to submit a separate form for each student.

2b. At the beginning of the training, when you have confirmed the student list of participants for the 300 Level Training, please fill out the Other Trainings Student Information Form. You can submit all the students within one form by clicking the + sign to the right of the “Country” field in the Student List section.

3. Upon the completion of the Teacher Training, email [email protected] with information about any students who have not completed all requirements for graduation.

4. Contact the IYTA director, [email protected], to calculate the tithe for the training, make sure that you have the latest TT manual, and also to make arrangements to schedule the presentation for the 300 hour program and IYTA benefits during the TT.


Thank you so much. Wishing you a successful training. 


Om Shanti