Satya GreenstoneE-RYT 500, C-IAYT
Satya Greenstone has been a student of Sri Swami Satchidananda since 1971. She has shared the teachings of Integral Yoga® in many diverse settings with students of all ages and backgrounds and combines a natural, practical, down-to-earth approach to Yoga with a gentle humor. Since 1999 she has been a primary teacher for the 200-hour and the Intermediate Integral Yoga Teacher Training programs. While serving as teacher training coordinator, she helped to develop and teach the first Gentle Yoga Teacher Training program. She has also developed and currently teaches training programs in Restorative Yoga, Adaptive Yoga, and Yoga and Meditation for Children. In 2005, she received certification in Therapeutic Yoga and is currently certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT). She also is certified in Yoga for the Heart. In June 2019, she received certification for teaching Yoga for Osteoporosis from Dr. Loren Fishman.
She gently adapts the Yoga practices to individual needs and always finds a way to encourage and inspire her students who soon recognize that, for her, Yoga is an experience, not a subject for academic study. First and foremost she is a yogini, and her teaching is an extension of the experience gained from her Yoga practice. Satya exudes the joy and exemplifies the benefits that come from living the yogic lifestyle and she shares that joy and those benefits with her students.
Always thankful to her Guru Swami Satchidananda, Satya believes that he has created the perfect environment in which to practice Yoga and experience the peace of one’s true nature. It is that personal recognition of one’s true Self that she tries to facilitate in every program.
Purnima Sadhana: Pink Full Moon Yoga – Online
Come together online for a Full Moon Day Yoga practice led by Satya Greenstone, senior disciple of Sri Swami Satchidananda.
According to the philosophy upon which Yoga is based, there is a close relationship with the Cosmic Nature (macrocosm) and you, the individual (microcosm).
What exists in the vast Nature has a corresponding interconnection with its counterpart in the body. The outer planetary orb, the moon, is closely associated with our internal moon. The moon within is called the mind. As the moon cycles between it’s waxing and waning phases, so does our mental condition. When the moon is full (called Purnima or Poornima), whatever the mind experiences is intensified. It is because of this intensification the yogis recommend that full moon days be spent with an elevated mind in spiritual pursuits. The mind should not indulge in negative or harmful thinking. All our positive thoughts, mantras, and prayers will be magnified.
The full moon day is the perfect time to send peaceful, loving thoughts to the entire world.
Full moon practices include:
- Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) with mantras: Honoring the source of Light
- Chandra Namaskaram (moon salutation) with mantras: Honoring the pure reflection of that Light
- Deep Relaxation: Assimilating the benefits of the practice and reducing stress
- Pranayama (breathing practices): Energizing and balancing the mind
- Gayatri Mantra: Repetition of the ancient Vedic mantra for enlightenment—the Light of wisdom
- Meditation: Experiencing the Light
“The moon has a direct influence on the mind. On the Full moon day the mind gets magnified. Whatever you want to do, if you do it on a full moon day, it brings better results. That is the reason why on a full moon day you should be careful about what you are doing.†— Swami Satchidananda
Live sessions with Satya at 9&10:30 am ET on Monday, April 26.
Full Moon offerings:
April 26, Monday: Pink Full Moon (this session)
May 26, Wednesday: Flower Full Moon
June 24, Thursday: Strawberry Full Moon
You can also sign up for all three Full Moon Yoga practices here.