In this insightful episode, Swami Karunananda reflects on her extraordinary life journey, beginning with her childhood in Brooklyn where she demonstrated remarkable early abilities, such as speaking at six months old and reading at three. She shares a pivotal moment from her sixth grade when she asked herself what she wanted to do with her life, deciding then to help others relieve their suffering. Her path led her from a focus on academics and science to an unexpected spiritual awakening through yoga and philosophy, inspired by the presence of her guru. Through personal stories, Swami Karunananda discusses the importance of service, the interconnectedness of all beings, and the profound power of following one’s inner guidance to make a meaningful contribution to the world.
Swami Karunananda has had 50 years’ experience teaching all aspects of Yoga. She designed and conducts teacher training programs in Raja Yoga and in Meditation. She served as president of Satchidananda Ashram in California and in Virginia, and as director of the San Francisco and Santa Barbara Integral Yoga Institutes. She compiled and edited The Lotus Prayer Book and Enlightening Tales as told by Sri Swami Satchidananda. Her book, Awakening: Aspiration to Realization through Integral Yoga, makes the Yoga teachings accessible and provides inspiration and guidance for the spiritual journey.