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Avi Gordon in conversation with Rev. Kumari de Sachy.

Rev. Kumari has been a devotee of Sri Swami Satchidananda since 1981 and has lived and served in many capacities at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville since 1986, including as editor of the Integral Yoga Magazine, Publications Manager, LYT and Ashram Yogi Manager, Resident Services Director, Vidyalayam (Yogaville school) teacher, Yoga teacher. She has taught IY in prison and in college. She is currently serving on the Ashram Board of Trustees and Spiritual Life Board.

Rev. Kumari has a doctorate in English Education/Language Arts and has taught English in American and French universities. She is the author of Bound to be Free: The Liberating Power of Prison Yoga and A Vision of Peace: The Interfaith Teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda and has published articles on various Yoga topics.

She lives in Yogaville with her husband, Snehan, her daughter, Pamela, and her two dogs and two cats.




Not yet transcribed.

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