Member Directory

Jan Nalini has studied yoga and meditation in Australia, India and the USA. She is a member of the Integral Yoga Teachers Association as well as Yoga Australia.

Jan is inspired by Integral Yoga's aim to have an easeful body, peaceful mind and useful life.

Jan has experience teaching yoga to support homeless communities.

Please email Jan at [email protected] or visit or phone 0409 209 129.

Sonia Sumar began teaching Yoga for children with special needs after her daughter Roberta was born with Down Syndrome in 1972. Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by mental retardation and other developmental delays. Sonia noticed many positive changes in Roberta from using Yoga therapy, so in 1975 she became a Certified Yoga Teacher. At that time, she dreamed of visiting India to find a living Guru to help her deepen her Sadhana, her spiritual practice. However, she was unable to afford it. Her favorite Yoga teacher was Sri Swami Sivananda. Much of his work was already available in Brazil where she lived, so Sonia followed his teachings through his books.

​Sonia's life dream is to help the world's special children achieve their full potential and become active and productive members of society. Nothing can better express her success than the letters she receives from the parents of her students.

Sonia holds a Bachelor's Degree in Education and has taught at elementary school level. She has conducted workshops and addressed special education programs and symposia in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and India. In 1980, she founded the Integral Yoga Center of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, now headed by her daughter Renata. In 2001, Sonia opened the U.S. Headquarters of Yoga for the Special Child, Satchidananda Yoga Center, in Evanston, Illinois. She currently resides in Florida. Sonia continues teaching children and adults and offers her specialized training courses to Yoga teachers and other professionals worldwide.

Her book Yoga for the Special Child has been published in English, Portuguese, and Chinese. Spanish translation will soon be available. The eBook will soon be available in English.

Sonia is a recognized member of: Yoga Alliance E-RYT, E-RCYT; IYTA - Integral Yoga Teachers Association; and C-IAYT

Doing yoga since 1973, teaching Integral Yoga since 1989 and presently teaching Chair Yoga and Yoga for Joints at The Shift Studio in Hendersonville, NC. Also practicing many healing modalities including Reiki and BEST and care giving for an elderly gentleman with brain damage. "Do good. Be good." It's all for good.