Gaura Vani was raised from birth in temples in India and the US by his Hare Krishna parents. He plays ancient Indian drums and sings in archaic languages like Sanskrit for the blue-skinned Lord Krishna. And now he's teaching his three children this same timeless art...
Episode 61 | K. Ramasamy | The Yoga of Business
Shri K Ramasamy is an entrepreneur, and long-time devotee of Sri Swami Satchidanada. Mr. Ramasamy is the President of Integral Yoga Institute in Coimbatore India, as well as the managing trustee of Satchidananda Jothi Nikethan International School in India.
Episode 59 | Robert Moses | Purposefully Purposeless
Robert Sankara Moses has 50 years’ experience as a teacher of yoga and advaita vedanta. Born in South Africa, Robert studied architecture, travelled abroad and, in 1972, discovered yoga in the tradition of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, India. He served in the...
Episode 60 | Swami Jyotirmayananda | Interfaith Explorations
Swami Jyotirmayananda was initiated as a sannyasin in 1986. She authored the children’s book Sparkling Together and has served at Satchidananda Ashram, Yogaville in various capacities, including designing and installing displays at Yogaville's LOTUS (Light of Truth...
Episode 58 | Jonathan Foust | Seriousness is a Crime in the Court of God
Jonathan Foust, MA, CSA, is a guiding teacher with the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and a founder of the Meditation Teacher Training Institute in Washington. A senior teacher and former president of Kripalu Center, he leads retreats, trainings and...
Episode 57 | Moksha Sommer | Art is a Healing Tool
Moksha Sommer of the band HuDost sits down with Avi Gordon and discusses musical performance as a practice, the beauty of collaboration, and learning to laugh when things go wrong. HuDost functions as a duo or as a band. HuDost’s core musicians are Moksha Sommer and...
Episode 56 | Vyasa Smith | Spiritual Growth is Everywhere
Vyasa Smith and Avi Gordon discuss gratitude, the advantages of getting away from the "hustle and bustle", and how enlightened beings treat others. Vyasa is an Integral Yoga Teacher and resident of Satchidananda Ashram Yogaville. He currently serves as the Yogaville...
Episode 55 | Swami Asokananda | The Big I and the Little I
Swami Asokananda and Avi Gordon discuss courage versus conformity, discipline, and moving towards loving unconditionally. A monk since 1975, Swami Asokananda is one of Integral Yoga’s® foremost teachers—known for his warmth, intelligence, and good humor. His teaching...
Episode 54 | Hamsa Cho | Decision-making, Fun and the Needs of a Younger Generation
Hamsa Cho and Avi Gordon discuss yoga in leadership and decision-making, and how to grow without "beating ourselves up". Hamsa currently serves as the executive director for Integral Yoga Institute New York. She has 20 years of business and consulting experience....
Episode 53 | Marisa Radha Weppner | My Attention is My Currency
Marisa Radha Weppner and Avi Gordon discuss accepting every moment, the path of bhakti yoga (love/devotion), and how "we're all going to graduate". Mother, teacher, author, DJ, community organizer, life coach, podcaster, entrepreneur. Radha has taught yoga and...
Episode 52 | Zac Parker | The Bowling Alley of Life
Zac Parker talks about finding a life that reflects one's values, the "selfish selflessness" of serving others, and learning to balance discipline and lightheartedness. Zac has been teaching Yoga since 2014. He is certified as an Advanced Hatha Yoga and Restorative...
Episode 51 | Høly River | Only Doing the Work We Love
Laney Sullivan and Jameson Price talk with Avi Gordon about activism and the healing that comes from seeing our interconnectedness. "Courage" and "Seasons", two songs from the album Courage, appear at the end of interview. Høly River is founded by...
Episode 50 | Jaganath Carrera | Holy Curiosity
Jaganath Carrera and Avi Gordon discuss the importance of wonder and attention, the nature of the mind, and the power of acceptance. Jaganath Carrera is the founder and spiritual head of Yoga Life Society and its first Yoga Life Center in Woodland Park, NJ. He is a...
Episode 49 | Rita Pira | Fill Your Own Cup
Rita Pira and Avi Gordon discuss having the courage to follow our own path, and how what we consume and what we think creates our experience. Rita is an intuitive holistic life coach and a raw/vegan chef. She is on a mission to help people heal their mind, body, and...
Episode 48 | Daniel Levin | Each Piece Needs to Have its Own Peace
Daniel walked away from an opportunity to run a billion dollar business, to hitchhike around the world to find happiness and inner peace. He studied in a seminary five years and left one day before becoming a Rabbi and he has lived as a Monk in a monastery for 10...
Episode 47 | Rukmini Ando | Yoga was Everything my Body and Mind Ever Wished For
Rukmini Ando talks about her introduction to yoga, the similarities between formal meditation and creating art, and how teaching gets her out of the way. Rukmini Ando has been practicing Yoga since 2004 and has been teaching since 2010. She is certified in Advanced...
Episode 46 | Bhagavan Metro | Taking Care of the Things Around You
Bhagavan Metro talks about finding a spiritual teacher, the importance of identifying that we aren't the body and the mind, and finding harmony with our surroundings. Reverend Bhagavan is a certified Integral Yoga instructor and was ordained as a minister of Integral...